Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Joy and Embrace Enjoy The Community Disaster Preparedness Carnival
To strengthen public disaster awareness and enhance community safety and resilience, the Taipei City Government Fire Department’s Third District HQ collaborates with the Le Kang Village Office to host a community disaster preparedness carnival at Lohas Park on September 16th (Saturday) at 5:30 PM, celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in advance. This event promises a diverse range of exciting activities, including various disaster prevention booths such as the "Escape Challenge, Intelligent Marbles", "Furniture Fastening Experts", "Smoke and Mist Simulation House", "Download E-modules for Life-saving Essentials", "Home Fire Safety Insights", and "Little Rescuers Challenge". Moreover, the Casey Dance Troupe, Neihu Elementary School After-School Dance Class, Contemporary Dance Troupe, and the Le Kang Cool Moms Aerobics Rhythm Class will headline the dancing show. In addition, the multi-talented musician Liao Ting-Hao will perform in the music show, allowing you to dance freely and learn joyfully. Everyone is warmly welcomed to participate in this event. According to the analysis done by the Fire Department, a total of 1,552 fires occurred in Taipei in 2022. The dominant cause of home fires is cooking fire (a total of 617 fires accounting for 39.8%), followed by electrical factors (a total of 497 fires accounting for 32.0%). Taipei City Fire Department appeals to the public to pay attention to fire safety at home. Not only should everyone avoid leaving cooking unattended, but when using electrical equipment, they must follow the six principles below: 1. Never overload an extension lead by plugging in appliances that will exceed the maximum current rating of the extension lead. 2. Avoid using bundled or damaged electrical wires. 3. Unplug electrical devices when not in use. 4. Avoid using damp or defaced plugs. 5. Keep combustibles away from electrical appliances. 6. Do not purchase or use products that are lack of safety labels. The Fire Department encourages the public to download the "Video 119 App" to access video reporting services. This allows on-duty personnel to immediately understand the situation at the disaster scene and provide the most effective guidance and dispatch. Additionally, it is also recommended to download the "First On Scene App" which provides immediate assistance in implementing CPR and using AEDs before the ambulance arrives, thereby enhancing the success rate of first aid for OHCA patients.