CPR Demonstration
Target Step/Action Adult ≧8 years old Child 1-8 years old Infant <1 year old CPR Guideline Revised on (Check) Check response and breathing No response No breaths or virtually no normal breaths (Call) Call 119 Ask for help. Get an AED if available. Call 119 for help Perform CPR for 2 minutes, then call 119 CPR Steps C-A-B (C) Compressions Position In center of nipple line Below center of nipple line Push hard At least About About Push fast 100-120 compressions per minute Chest rises Make sure chest rises completely after each compression Avoid pause Avoid pauses, less than 10 seconds if you must pause If the care giver does not give rescue breaths, continue with chest compressions (A) Airway Tilt head and lift chin (B) Breaths Give two rescue breaths, 1 second per breath. Visible chest rises and falls. Ratio of compression to breath 30 : 2 Repeat the cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until the ill or injured person can move or (D) Defibrillation Get an AED as soon as possible Use AED pads for adults Use pediatric AED pads for children between 1-8 years of age; if not available, use regular AED pads for adults. Perform manual defibrillation. If not available, use pediatric AED pads; otherwise, use regular AED.