Characteristics of Lightning Strikes:
- When there is cumulonimbus cloud, there is a high chance of lightning and lightning strikes.
- If you hear the thunder 3 seconds after seeing lightning, the lightening is 1 km away; if the lightning and thunder occur almost at the same time, it means that the lightning is somewhere above.
- Lightning likes to take shortcuts: isolated high-rise objects are likely strike points for lightning.
Precautions for Lightning and Lightning Strike:
1. Outdoors:
- Go inside a car, room or big building immediately.
- Do not hide under a tree or go near an isolated tall building, tower, utility pole or chimney.
- Do not stand at a high-rise place or on top of a hill.
- Do not enter an isolated shelter or pavilion.
- If you are in an open field, squat down and wrap your arms around your knees; try to reduce as much surface contact of your body with the ground as possible.
- Do not immerse yourself in water, and keep away from the beach, swimming pool and riverside.
- Do not wear metal accessories, and do not go near metal objects.
- Do not use mobile phones.
2. Indoors:
- Keep away from electric wires, water taps, sinks, bath tubs, bronze objects, iron objects, etc., as they are good conductors of electricity.
- Do not go near the doors and windows if unnecessarily.
- Except for emergency purposes, do not use the telephone.
- Do not use electrical appliances (iron, toaster, microwave, blender, etc.) and keep away from televisions and radios.
※Weather Enquiry Number: 166 (Mandarin); 167 (Taiwanese, Hakka, English)
Weather Hotline: (02) 2349-1234 Earthquake Hotline: (02) 2349-1168
Official Websit (Chinese):