1. Residents residing in a potential debris flow disaster region should follow the typhoon warnings issued by Weather Bureau, and be prepared for evacuation by following the instructions of the village head, police and firefighters.
2. When the forecast rainfall is above the rainfall threshold value for debris flow warning, the Government will issue a yellow debris flow alert, inform and urge residents or tourists for immediate evacuation.
3. When the actual rainfall is above the rainfall threshold value for debris flow warning, the Government will issue a red debris flow alert and force residents to evacuate to a safe location.
4. Upon notification from the village head, firefighters, police, etc., follow their instructions and move to the designated evacuation shelter, or seek shelter at a friend’s or relative’s place.
5. When the debris flow warning has been issued, you should first assist the elderly, pregnant women, people with mobility impairments, and people with chronic diseases, etc, to evacuate the place in advance.
6. During evacuation, follow the pre-planned route towards the evacuation shelter. If the road or bridge collapsed, fractured or if there is a flood, do not force your way through.
7. Upon departing for the evacuation shelter, pay attention to whether your family members and neighbors are all present.
8. After arriving at the evacuation shelter, do not return home or worry about your pets and belongings at home.
9. You should be familiar with the designated evacuation shelter and evacuation route, and have been through the route once during the Government’s disaster prevention drill.
10. For the latest information on debris flow, you may visit the website of the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture.